Season 5 of the Walking Dead has inverted the arc of all its previous seasons. It started with a large scale battle which spilled over into the next two seasons. And then the story meandered through three consecutive episodes that did not feature Rick Grimes at all. First we found out that Beth has been kept in a hospital since she was separated from Darryl. Then we followed Glenn and Maggie tagging along with Eugene's group on an aborted trip towards DC. Last week found Darryl and Carol attempting to spring Beth from the hospital. Now with two episodes left, it appears ready to revert to form with a two-part siege of the hospital. But I think the show might surprise again by doing something slightly different.
We know from the preview clips that we will see all three group's for at least some time tonight. One clip shows Rick plotting some kind of attack on the hospital with Darryl and a few others. Another clip shows Michonne, Carl, Father Gabriel (and presumably Judith) sitting around the church. That would be a logical group for Rick to leave behind at the church. He wouldn't want his kids to come and he doesn't yet trust Gabriel enough to leave him in charge of the kids. Another clip shows Glenn looking out on the horizon as if trying to decide where to go.
What We Can Glean From All the Hints?
1. Tonight's episode is called "Crossed". That could be a reference to the crosses on the cars used by the police who run the hospital or to the Church itself but it probably also stands for a story point involving two groups crossing one another. Maybe Glenn's team makes their way back to the church and meet up with A more intriguing possibility is Morgan crossing paths with Rick (and perhaps others) for the first time this season. I do expect to see Morgan either tonight or next week but there's nothing firm to go on there.
2. Michonne is left behind at the church. The most logical candidate to stay behind and keep an eye on the children would be Tyrese. He's a lousy shot and has a deep bond with Judith. Rick also can trust him implicitly given how much he sacrificed to keep Judith alive. But Tyrese is probably worried about Sasha who is still grieving the loss of Bob. I think we might see Tyrese insisting to go along on the raid. Michonne then becomes the logical choice. She's responsible and tough and has bonded a lot with Rick. I think another dynamic may be developing here. I think that Rick and Michonne will eventually become a couple. I think it will be a great story line and it was set up in one beautifully flirtatious line from way back in the scene from the season three finale which is shown at the top of this page.
3. I Think Dawn Will Survive the Conflict. It would have been pretty easy to make Dawn a purely evil character but the writers made an effort to show that her situation is a little more complicated. Noah specifically speaks up with her (to a point) when speaking to Beth. One common online theory is that Rick and Dawn knew each other form law enforcement circles before the apocalypse. That strikes me as a little too much of a coincidence but I think that Rick may end up making peace with her.
4. Next Week's Episode is Called "Coda". If you're about my age or older, you probably associate that word with Led Zeppelin's last album, which was released after John Bonham's death and included mostly out takes and garbabe. tells us that a coda is a "more or less independent passages, at the end of a composition, introduced to bring it to a satisfactory close." (Think: Shave and a Haircut, Two Bits!)
If the mid-season finale is truly a coda that would mean that most of the action is wrapped up tonight. But the description for that episode is New enemies disregard rules and morals. "Although Rick wants to find a peaceful agreement, the enemy seems to prefer a more violent solution." That seems to describe a stand off where Rick is trying to negotiate for the release of Beth and Carol but the cops insist on a conflagration.
So here's my official prediction/hunch for the next 2 episodes. Rick and company head to Atlanta tonight. Tonight's episode ends with a cliff hanger. Then next week we have a confrontation between the groups in Atlanta. Meanwhile Glenn/Abraham go back to the church and are told about what's going on. But I think Episode 8 will not end with a huge fight. I think it will end with a cliffhanger and/or an unexpected character death. This is keeping with the reverse structure of this season, and would allow the 2nd half to kick off with a big bang.
But for once I don't feel like the show is leading to a blindingly obvious course. And that's a really good sign for the show's future.
One Last Point on Chronology.
The time lines of the three groups seem to be synching up. This is my best estimation of how time has passed the last few weeks. If my timeline is correct, this whole half of a season covers about a week of time.
Day one: Darryl and Carol take off after the car; Bob is taken prisoner.
Day two: The Hunters try to take the church, Rick et al kill them; Darryl and Carol run afoul of Noah in Atlanta.
Day three: Abraham leads Team B north to DC; Darryl returns to the church with Noah.
Day four: Abraham finds out that Eugene is lying; Rick, Darryl, Noah, Sasha and Tyrese leave for Atlanta.
Day five: Maggie/Glenn/Abraham, etc. return to the church, then head to Atlanta.
Day six: confrontation at the hospital.
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