One of my criticisms of The Walking Dead has been its predictability. But I don't think tonight's Season 5 Finale has been telegraphed at all. For one thing, the title is "Conquer" and it doesn't get more vague than that. The last several episodes have had one word titles taken from something that Dale said all the way back in Season 1, episode 4,when explaining why he still kept time on his watch. The words in bold have each been the title of a recent episode.
- ‘I give you a mausoleum of all hope and desire which will fit your individual needs, no better than it did mine and my father before me. I give it to you not that you may remember time, but that you may forget it. For a moment, now and then, and not spend all of your breath trying to conquer it.’
So what is to be conquered tonight? Alexandria? The Dianna Regime? Time Itself I really don't know.
I have expected for a long time that this season would end with relative calm in order to set up a time skip for this off-season. And there isn't an obvious conflict to resolve tonight but it is a 90 minute episode and we do know about a few loose ends that need to be tied up. I think if you put them all together, you can get a good idea of what we're in store for.
1. Rick's Punishment. Last week ended with Michonne punching Rick's lights out. We know from the previews that Deanna convenes a meeting to discuss what to do with him. There is a shot of him in a small room that look like it was set up to confine him. Of course the Alexandrians are going to be inclined to punish him but Dianna's made clear that killing him is not an option. And they're not about to exile the father of a teenager and a baby. We've already heard Deanna's husband rave about how many great things Rick's group said about him. So they'll probably come up with some ham-handed BS punishment that involves him not being a constable and being put on some petty work detail. But then....
2. Darryl and Aaron are in Danger and the Wolves are Not Far. Throughout this half-season we have seen a number of Walkers with a "W" carved into their forehead. A screen shot from Episode 9 shows grafitti in Noah's neighborhood that refers to "Wolves Not Far". This is probably a reference to a group of bad guys, although no such group exists by that name in the comic books. Last week we saw Darryl and Aaron come across a couple horribly mutilated people and they saw in the distance the light from a camp fire. So that's probably the antagonist for tonight.
3. Morgan. One very clever detail from last week is that the one of bodies Aaron and Darryl came across seemed to match Morgan. The hand was about the right coloration and it featured a wedding ring like the one worn by Morgan back in Season one. The clothing also matches the sneak peaks we've seen of Morgan as this season went along. This has naturally led to some speculation that Morgan is dead and maybe we will see his demise in a flashback of some kind. I don't think that's right. I think that was a purposeful misdirect by Nicotero's crew. They like to have fun like that.
Morgan is the most popular character on the show after Darryl and possibly Michonne. His return has been hyped since the season opener and I'm actually impressed that they have waited this long to bring him back to the story. They're not going to waste him on a one-off flashback of a death at the hands of bad guys we have never met.
So this is how I think everything gets tied together tonight: Rick gets put in the penalty box. But then Aaron and/or Darry run afoul of these new bad guys. My hunch is they have Darryl hostage but Aaron makes it back to Alexandria and wants to raise a posse. Having been away when Rick went ape-shit on Pete, he will insist on Rick coming. Rick of course will jump at the chance and everyone else form our group (with the possible exception of Michhone) will want him to lead the mission.
He will. But things will still be hairy. And the group will need saving. That's where Morgan comes into play, earning hero status and joining our group in Alexandria for good. All of which leads to the inevitable question about a season finale of The Walking Dead....
Who Will Die?
The Walking Dead's willingness to kill popular and important characters has become its trademark. When the plot meanders, they usually justify it by killing someone like Tyrese. And it's a pretty standard part of every season and mid-season finale although the season 4 finale was an exception to this rule. Season 5 started with a lot of dead weight in the group and they have not been shy about shedding those folks this season. I still think they have one more big death to go and here's who I think are the likely candidates.
a. Carol. Her sweet-talking in public, threatening innocent people in private act is a time bomb. I think someone will see through it tonight and she'll pay a price for her bullshit. Death Chances: 70%
b. Dianna. If the danger comes inside the walls, I think Dianna is on the short list of people to be killed. After all, we need Rick to be the undipsuted Alpha character, right? (65%)
c. Glenn. All season long I have thought that Maggie or Gleen would die this year. Glenn seems to be in more danger, having punched that D-bag who stole Ricck's 9MM from the blender outside the gate. (50%)
d. That D-bag Who Stole Rick's 9MM from the Blender. We need to have a kill to root for. He's the obvious choice. (50%)
e. Pete See above (45%)
e. Tara. She's not doing well and her friends are busy threatening the only doctor who can help her. (40%)
f. Sam. The story probably doesn't need another kid to slow the story down. But they can always re-cast another actor if they do in fact do a time-skp after this season (35%)
g. Enid. It's probably better for her survival chances that Carl didn't actually kiss her last week. But she still could become a poignant symbol of Carl's suffering. (33%)
h. Gabriel. It's bad enough that the Walking Dead killed off Cutty and DeAngelo this year but is there any worse indignity for fans of The Wire than to make Carver a snitch? (30%)
i. Abraham. Earlier in the season there were some ominous signs about Abraham but lately he seems to have settled in to his expected role as a bad ass and a 2nd tier leader. (20%)
j. Maggie. I don't think they've set this up right, so I'm leaning against it. More likely she lives to either Mourn and/or take over the administrative duties from Deanna in a new Rickatorship. (10%)
k. Darryl Okay. This is the big one. Nothing would hurt the show more than his death. But there's always the chance that Norman Reedus over played his hand in contract negotiations. I think it's unlikely but if they want to go out with a bang, this is the way to go. (1%)
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