Iowa: What Did We Learn?
Very little. The result pretty much matched the polls. But a quick moment of self-reflection. Here are my predicted vote percentages for Iowa with the actual result in ( ).
Trump 53% (51%)
Haley 21% (19%
DeSantis 20% (21%)
Ramaswamy: 5% (7.7%)
Hutchinson: 1% (0.2%)
Pretty close, but I did have Haley in second and Ron in second. That didn't work out. Give myself a B+.
New Hampshire: What to Expect.
We're about 14 minutes away from the results in Dixville Notch and that other stupid town up north. But that won't tell us much.
Since Iowa, The third, fourth and sixth place finishers have all dropped out. (Shout out Ryan Binkley who finished ahead of Asa Hutchinson in Iowa and then stayed on to fight in New Hampshire! Well done, weird nobody.)
DeSantis and Ramaswamy have both endorsed Trump. The polls this week suggest that most of their votes are going to go with Trump. He is a very heavy favorite to win and very well might run up a big margin.
But New Hampshire does have a contrarian streak. They don't like to vote for the winner of the Iowa Caucuses. And Trump had a few hiccups on the trail this week, so maybe he won't quite crush it. There also could be some Democrats voting in the Republican race to just drag it out a little longer.
Here's my official prediction:
Donald Trump: 54.1%
Nikki Haley 43.9%
Binkley 0.5%
Others: 1.5% (Strays for Christie, DeSantis, etc.)
What Does Haley Need?
To even dream about being the nominee, she needs a win. She's not getting that. But if she can get 45% of the vote, than she might be tempted to hang in there a little longer and see if the donor class keeps her afloat just in case DJT strokes out in the next month.
If she loses by more than 15, she probably drops out tomorrow night or Wednesday morning. The humiliation of losing South Carolina to Trump would be too much to bare. (And the donor class won't waste their money on her.
What About the Dems?
There is a Democratic Primary tomorrow too but it won't be sending any delegates to Chicago and Joe Biden isn't on the ballot.
That said, there's like 25 other people in the ballot and no small number of Granite Staters are pissed off that the Democratic party took away their monopoly on being the first in the nation primary. So this number could be interesting.
Biden will win and he should do so with an outright majority. If he doesn't, and Nikki Haley drops out, the media will try to make the Democratic race feel competitive. (It isn't.)
But once again in the breach, here I go:
Joe Biden: 64.3%
Dean Phillips: 16.7%
Marianne Williamson: 8.2%
The other weirdoes and spoiled ballots will be like 10%.
Ooooh, Dixville Notch and Hart's Crotch are going to be announcing in a minute.....
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