Thursday, May 20, 2010

This is just entertaining.

I wasn't a big fan of the Adventures of Kavalier and Clay. He lost me when the story went to Antarctica. But I really enjoyed the little sub-plot about how all the WW2 era comics had not-so subtly gay characters that were "sidekicks" of the main hero. This is just incredible documentation of that bygone era.

Well, let's start with something beautiful.

This is my 2nd attempt at a blog of my own. The first, was launched in early 2004 with a stated mission of electing John Kerry President. But for 50,000 idiots in Ohio, we would have made history. Fuck you, Ohio.

Oh wait. I said we'd start with something beautiful. And we will, in a second. But first let me state the primary topics of this blog:
1. Politics
2. Baseball
3. Science and reason; secularism
4. Comedy
5. Literature and Cinema

I find that these are things I most care about, and I will try to put them in the best light possible.

Welcome to the Monkey House and now....the something beautiful.